Rowhill School

Extra-Curriculum Activities

Last academic year pupils were provided with valuable opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and social interaction through our extra curricular programs. Below is a summary of the opportunities offered to our pupils:

Games Club at Lunchtimes: A club where pupils enjoyed various board games or card games during their lunch breaks.

After School Clubs:

  • Photography: Pupils were offered the opportunity learn and practice photography skills.
  • Netball: Pupils were offered the opportunity to develop teamwork and physical fitness.
  • Badminton: Pupils were offered the opportunity to develop physical activity and hand-eye coordination.
  • Health and Social Care: Pupils were offered the opportunity to explore careers in healthcare and social services.

Subject Revision Clubs:

  • Maths, English, and Science: These clubs provided additional support and revision opportunities for pupils in these core subjects. They were also a valuable tool before the GCSE exams enabling pupils to feel prepared and ready for their exams.

Participation in Sporting Fixtures: Students represented the school in badminton competitions, showcasing their athletic talents.

Educational Trips:

  • Wisley Gardens and Marwell Zoo: These trips with a career focus have helped students gain insight into careers related to botany, zoology, and environmental sciences.
  • Art Trip: Part of the arts award program, this trip exposed pupils to various forms of art and creativity.
  • Panel Beating Experience: An immersive experience that introduced pupils to hands-on careers in panel beating and auto body repair.

Reward Trips for Good Behavior:

  • Nando's and Trampoline Park: These trips served as incentives for students who exhibited good behavior, motivating them to maintain positive conduct.

These extracurricular activities and trips not only contributed to pupils personal and educational development but also made school life more engaging and enjoyable. They provided pupil's with a well-rounded education that goes beyond traditional classroom learning. The extra-curricular program for this academic year will be updated in due course.