Rowhill School


At Key Stage 4 (KS4), students follow a core curriculum of English Language, Maths, Science, PE and PSHE/PD alongside subjects such as Humanities, Art, and Hospitality & Catering.

At Key Stage 3 (KS3), students study English, Maths, Science, PE, PSHE/PDL, Art and Hospitality & Catering.

For further details about our curriculum, please contact Head of School, Laura Hann or our Curriculum Leads Richard Moger & Simon Hutchison.

English Language

Qualifications associated with it including how they are assessed.

  • GCSE English Language (AQA) - 2 Externally set papers sat in May/June.
  • Functional skills English (Edexcel) - 2 externally set papers (reading and writing), Speaking and listening completed internally under controlled conditions.

A brief overview of what the pupils will be learning in each year group.

  • Year 11 - Will be working on the essential English skills for lifelong learning. These include reading fiction, descriptive writing, analysis of text and writing to argue and explain.
  • Year 10 - Will be looking at developing their English skills from KS3 looking at a wide range of texts and skills. This will include different ways of writing, analysis of texts, reading fiction and non fiction. There will also be a project around bringing a character into the modern day.
  • KS3 - Will be looking at a wide variety of themes and text throughout the academic year. They will look at non fiction, gothic text, Shakespeare, Victorian London and Romantic poetry. In addition there will be opportunities to write in different forms as well.


Qualifications associated with it including how they are assessed.

  • GCSE Maths(AQA) - 3 papers - all sat in May/June.
  • Functional Skills Maths (Edexcel) - 2 papers sat at determined points in the school year

A brief overview of what the pupils will be learning in each year group.

  • Year 11 - An interleaving approach takes place looking to overlap different concepts and fill in gaps in pupils knowledge and skills. After each set of mocks in the academic year, lessons will be adapted to support pupil need based on areas for development.
  • Year 10 - Will cover the key foundation topics in maths that will be taught to mastery so that they have a secure understanding that can be built on throughout KS4. This will include; number, algebra, geometry and proportional reasoning.
  • KS3 - Will cover the key skills toolkit at the start of the year with the aim of equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills that will prepare them for a return to mainstream school. Lessons will be taught to age related expectations of the individual pupils and adapted according to the needs of the pupil.


Qualifications associated with it including how they are assessed.

WJEC Entry Level - assessed based on work completed in school, which is externally verified.

A brief overview of what the pupils will be learning in each year group.

  • KS4 - There are 7 units to be taught throughout the year these are; Nazi Germany 1919 - 1939, The effects of Consumerism, Responses to Contemporary Conflicts in the modern world, Changing trends in Tourism, Crime and Punishment, Democracy in the UK and Contentious issues in the UK today. Each unit will be a depth study and will challenge pupils to question what they see and already what they know.
  • As this is a new course it will be taught to Year 10 and 11 this year with new units for current year 10s in the 25-26 academic year.


Qualifications associated with it including how they are assessed:

  • Year 11 will receive an Art award from Trinity College.
    Half termly data inputted into SIMS for all year groups.

A brief overview of what the pupils will be learning in each year group.


  • Autumn Term - Pop Art
  • Spring Term - Colour Theory
  • Summer Term - Abstract Art

Year 10

  • Autumn Term - Mixed Media
  • Spring Term - Mixed Media
  • Summer Term - Mixed Media

Year 11

  • Autumn Term - Drawing and print techniques
  • Spring Term - Photography
  • Summer Term - Art Award portfolio

Health and Social Care

Qualifications associated with it including how they are assessed:

  • Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech
    Assessment will take place in an open book assessment for component 1
    Pupils’ files to gather evidence for Internal assessment for components 2 and 3.
    Half termly grades inputted on SIMS

A brief overview of what the pupils will be learning in each year group.

Year 10

  • Autumn Term - Component 1(Life stages)
  • Spring Term - Component 2 (Health and social care services)
  • Summer Term - Component 3 (Factors affecting health and wellbeing)

Year 11

  • Autumn Term - Component 1(Life stages)
  • Spring Term - Component 2 (Health and social care services)
  • Summer Term - Component 3 (Factors affecting health and wellbeing)


Qualifications associated with it including how they are assessed:

  • Pearson EDEXCEL BTEC LEVEL 1 and 2 AWARD.
    On going assessment through the booklet and also inputted on SIMS every half term.

A brief overview of what the pupils will be learning in each year group.


  • Autumn Term - Will be cooking a variety of different dishes
  • Spring Term - Will be cooking a variety of different dishes
  • Summer Term - Will be cooking a variety of different dishes

Year 10

  • Autumn Term - Cooking breakfast dishes
  • Spring Term - Cooking main meal dishes
  • Summer Term - Cooking pudding dishes

Year 11

  • Autumn Term - Hygiene in the kitchen and cooking a variety of dishes
  • Spring Term - Learning about skills in the kitchen and cooking a variety of dishes
  • Summer Term - Cooking a variety of dishes completing booklet ready for assessment.


Qualifications associated with it including how they are assessed:

  • GCSE short course WJEC for KS4
    Half termly data inputted into SIMS

A brief overview of what the pupils will be learning in each year group.


  • Autumn Term - Fitness, Badminton, Football and Table Tennis
  • Spring Term - Hockey, Cricket, Basketball and Tag Rugby
  • Summer Term - Handball, Ultimate Frisbee, Training methods and Options

Year 10

  • Autumn Term - Health and training exercise, Fitness, Badminton and Table Tennis
  • Spring Term - Exercise Physiology Badminton, Table Tennis, Basketball and Fitness
  • Summer Term - Movement Analysis Badminton, Table Tennis, Basketball and Fitness

Year 11

  • Autumn Term - Health and training exercise, Badminton – Moderation
  • Spring Term - Exercise Physiology, Table Tennis - Moderation
  • Summer Term - Movement Analysis


Qualifications associated with it including how they are assessed:

  • Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Principles of Applied Science
    Year 11 February exam for unit 1
    Work booklets to gather evidence for Internal assessment.
    Half termly grades inputted on SIMS

A brief overview of what the pupils will be learning in each year group.


  • Autumn - Space & Crime Scene Investigation
  • Spring - Environment & Life
  • Summer - House of the Future & Desert Island

Year 10

  • Autumn - Principles of Science
  • Spring - Chemistry of our Earth & Energy and our Universe
  • Summer - Biology and the Environment

Year 11

  • Autumn - Principles of Science
  • Spring - Chemistry of our Earth & Energy and our Universe
  • Summer - Biology and the Environment

The school’s ethos is based around relational practice and the curriculum. The school day and week are designed to enhance opportunities to build positive relationships with students.

Religious Education (R.E.)

R.E. syllabus here (required)

Parents do have the right to withdraw their child/ward from R.E., however, the R.E. syllabus is relevant to all pupils and respects their own personal beliefs.

Should you wish to discuss the R.E. syllabus or discuss the withdrawal of your child/ward from this curriculum area, please contact Matthew Poole, Assistant Headteacher.

Alternative Provision & Work experience

KS4 students can also undertake Work Experience one day a week with a local employer in a sector that interests the student.

Rowhill School works closely with a range of alternative providers to offer alternative provision away from the Rowhill site. Current providers include Explore Learning, Reading FC, Blue Lighthouse, fighting Chance and Fast Forward Vocational Training. Sessions are safely managed with a clear purpose and are part of a balanced curriculum. These are used to supports pupils needs and enhance their social, emotional and communication skills.

  • Explore Learning - Explore Learning offers a range of adventurous activities. By helping children to develop new skills, these outdoor activities offer a multitude of benefits including increased confidence and self- esteem.
  • Reading FC - Reading FC is an alternative provision that offers young people the chance to engage with effective PSHE workshops, both practical and classroom based, creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment and enhancing a young person’s life skills. Students will partake in various sports including football, table tennis and gaming.
  • Blue Lighthouse - Blue Lighthouse education is a bespoke education setting that support pupils with education special needs. Its therapeutic work through animal therapy giving pupils self-esteem and practical skills. We are also support 1-1 core academic skills to engage pupil to reach their potential.
  • Fighting Chance - This programme looks to utilize sports, discussion, and education videos on many of the challenges that our young people may face. It provides a safe space to discuss these issues and elements that may be or have the potential to affect them.
  • Fast Forward Vocational Training - Fast Forward is a specialist training provider focusing on mechanics with an embedded SEMH programme designed and accredited by SYUK. The provision has a determination to bridge the gap between disadvantaged youths and their peers to enable success and build positive futures across the UK.
    Students have the benefit of developing their skills in a 'live' workshop where they face real world mechanical problems allowing them to be fully immersed in the programme. Students are also invited to make use of the karting track, giving them a real carrot at the end of the session.
    Every young person who completes a full academic year program with Fast Forward is offered an interview for a role at their local TeamSport Indoor Karting track.