Rowhill School

Contact Us

Rowhill School
York Road
GU11 3JG

Telephone: 01252 367500


The switchboard is open from 8am to 4pm, Monday-Thursday and 8am to 3.30pm on Friday. Outside these hours messages may be left on our answering machine.

Executive Headteacher

Vicky Essex

Head of School

Laura Hann

Chair of Governors

Jane Pratt

Safeguarding Contacts

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Matthew Poole

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Cathy Koziol

Lisa Prior

Vicky Essex

Laura Hann

Sarah White


Sarah White

Data Protection Officer

Mark Stephenson

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children and Pupil Premium Students

Sarah White

Public Transport

The No 4 Stagecoach Bus stops outside the school.


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 A paper copy of information contained within this website is available, on application, from Clare Hinsley at the school office.