Rowhill School

About Rowhill

Welcome to Rowhill School’s website. The last year was one in which we all learnt how to live in a world that was coming out of a global pandemic, it has taught us many things, most importantly to appreciate every day as a gift, and to appreciate our freedoms as a nation. It also taught us that we are resilient people and together we can overcome and grow in a safe and healthy way.

At Rowhill we remain firm in our vision to provide our pupils with every opportunity to move successfully on to their destination pathways.

We are a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) for KS3 and KS4 pupils from 13.5 schools in Hampshire. We are a good PRU (Ofsted, March 2018); we pride ourselves on our “mini mainstream model” of provision. This website aims to give you a taster of our school’s offer, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils, and the wider community.

Our pupils come to us at various points during their secondary schooling because of their previous school placement not being suitable for them, at the time of referral. They may attend due to medical reasons, permanent exclusion or being at risk of permanent exclusion.

We provide our pupils with an education that meets their individual needs. Our curriculum is designed to give pupils the cultural capital they need to access their destination pathways with confidence and with resilience so that they complete the programmes that they start. Destination pathways could include returning to a mainstream school, further education, employment, or training. We support the progress of our learners; enabling them to develop social skills, independence, self-motivation, and respect for others through our daily personal development and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) lessons.

We promote positive mental health alongside academic achievement. As an 'ACEs informed school', (Adverse childhood Experiences) we understand that young people cannot be successful learners until they feel safe, valued, and can be supported to regulate their emotions.

We pride ourselves on the wrap around pastoral support we offer to all our pupils. We constantly challenge and review our approach to managing pupils’ behaviour and attitudes in a way that has a long-term impact on their learning and outcomes.

Safeguarding is a high priority at Rowhill, and we apply the principle of “it can happen here”. The concerns of parents/carers are listened to and acted upon where possible so that the needs of their children are effectively met. Besides our partnerships with parents, we also work closely with CAMHS, (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services), MASH, (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) and Children’s’ Services. Always report concerns to our school’s DSL so that we can keep our young people safe, and I refer you not our Child Protection Policy on our website.

I hope you find our website useful, especially as we have many self-help links for parents and pupils in terms of mental health and well-being. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly for further information and support.